Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I have heard that this bird can fly up ones nose. Figuratively speaking, I believe that when the bird of paradise flies up your nose, it may be that what you thought was a good and great thing to happen may have some flies in its ointment. Or maybe it is that one mans feast is another mans famine? Check out the lyrics below and see................

One fine day as I was a-walkin' down the street
Spied a beggar man with rags upon his feet
Took a penny from my pocket
In his tin cup I did drop it
I heard him say as I made my retreat
"May the bird of paradise fly up your nose"
"May an elephant caress you with his toes"
"May your wife be plagued with runners in her hose"
"May the bird of paradise fly up your nose"
The laundry man is really on his toes
Found a hundred-dollar bill among my clothes
When he called me I came a-runnin'
Gave him back his dime for phonin'
I heard him sayin' as I turned to go,
May the bird of paradise fly up your nose!
Was way behind one day to catch the train
Taxi driver said "We'll make it just the same"
The speed cop made it with us
And as he wrote out the ticket
I stood by politely a-waitin' for my change

Maybe the lesson here is that no good deed goes unpunished. One could say and know from experience there are lots of time when a favor, kindness, help, whatever are done and the recipient will never think enough was done for them.
We had a situation here at the office where our handles on the hot and cold water faucets in the ladies room were old, cracked and just needed replacing. Mind you, some of us were ecstatic to even have a ladies room, but I digress.......
One sunny day we came to work and the faucets had been replaced with brand new, shiny and sparkling fixtures. Very nice! I was in this facility later in the day and one of my co-workers was washing her hands and in a really nasty tone said "well, they should have replaced the sink too!" I wanted to ask her if she had ever pulled wings off of butterflies, but I didn't......

It is similar to when you spend all day cooking, say, Thanksgiving dinner and while everyone is eating you may hear, "well, there could be a little more salt in this," or, one of my personal favorites, "I like so and so's dressing better." One may not need to ask whether or not I still engage in cooking such meals, because I DO NOT. For the past few years my husband and I go out to eat on holidays and my compliments are always paid to the chef, not to mention the waitperson and any other staff that assist. On any worst day at work, I contemplate how horrible it would be to REALLY wait on the public and then I remember how much love I have for my present job!

We all know there ARE times when we do wish a bird of paradise situation on others. Maybe we are in traffic with some rude road-rage jerk, maybe we are treated badly as a customer. In those times, we could use the newer lyrics to the song as follows:

may the bird of paradise fly up your nose,
may the mud crawl between your toes.
may you get lost in the fog
may you sink in a bog.
you won't be missed, that's for sure
unfortunately for us, there is no cure,
to rid us of american cheese
so do get lost, please.

Monday, October 23, 2006


In life, as in this tree, there could be things not visible on a cursory glance. What may appear one way on the surface of things, may go in a different direction upon close scrutiny.
The last few days have been enlightening in their own way as my self resolve, esteem and courage continue to grow, and at this time of my life, FOR ME! It has been such a long road, feeling like it was my duty to absorb other peoples rudeness, disrespect and downright meanness. There should not be the assumption here that I feel and have felt that way about ALL things, because there have been some amazingly kind, considerate, empathetic and wonderful people and events. I don't know how long a person must live before they understand how the negatives will always take over the positives in memory until you realize that is what is going on and make a conscious effort to change that!
It is depressing to think how many folks out there don't appreciate a cool breeze on their face or a beautiful view. When one hears a bird sing, or a lizard scuttling across the porch do you think that person ponders how wonderful it is that they can hear? When one can go out into the sunshine and not be afraid of dying from it, do you think they realize it and are grateful? Each and every day that I can put my feet on the floor (after waking up of course), is a truly remarkable day to me. Each day lived without immense and overwhelming pain is a truly wonderful day. We would never want people to experience the kind of things that boost your gratefulness of the simple but marvelous things that happen to us every day. We just want them to realize and know it without suffering that could bring it to the forefront.
Just think about the person who has lost their sight, hearing, sense of smell or taste. We all know these people are out there, suffering from something mysterious that has taken one or more of these senses away. I think about the people who are burned or have some other horrible affliction. What would they give to have a "normal" day like so many people have who just don't appreciate it?
The sky is so so so blue today and the air is nice and crisp. Energy is not in short supply for a change, so for right now and hopefully all day and week at least, everything will be peachy.
Be sure to magnify the picture if you have that capability and you too will get a clearer "picture" of how the most beautiful things can, upon a quick glance, be HIDDEN!
Have a wonderful absolutely MAHvelous day AND life! If you can read this and understand the message, LIFE IS GOOD!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Do you ever wonder why some human beings try to be like porcupines? Or maybe like big puffer fish, all blown up and lookin' scary?
While innocently shopping at walgreens this morning, looking for "travel size" accessories, I decided to ask someone who worked in the store where these items might be located. You know at most stores these little size shampoos, toothpastes, deodorants, etc. are located in one section all alone, so dear reader, you get the picture. I very politely approached this, um, woman and asked her where these items may be. She turned around and pointed at some empty containers and said, THERE THEY ARE. I again very politely said, no, the ones that have stuff IN them, not empty ones. She then "puffed up" and with a sneer, said WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU WANT???. I said, you know, stuff like toothpaste, shampoo, etc., well, then in a reallly snotty tone she said THE TOOTHPASTE IS ON AISLE 8!! OK this was the end of it, so after saying thank you, i walked off and said a few things not under my breath. Then all I can wonder is what kind of crappy life is this woman leading? Revenge, under the guise of karma didn't take long. I next spied the witch waiting on a big black lady who wanted to try ALL of the imitation designer perfumes in the store. Ha i thought, dare you to be snotty to that one!!!

I have another one of these wackos in my office. Ever since she did not get a promotion (my old position), she has been out for total destruction of morale. BUT the only person she is hurting is herself (ah, how well we know that scene, eh?). At least once a day you will hear her on the phone say, "i'm just a secretary, let me transfer you to (fill in the blank). This same person has refused to do work assigned to her, and I believe is the victim of a very unhappy home life and some kind of hormonal problem (she is not under my supervision). She worked at a freaking factory for 20 years, then went to secretarial school, and got a job with the state 7 years ago. OK< after 7 years you are supposed to be promoted just because you have 7 whole freaking years? geez. She has taken to mumbling when you speak to her. Looking for a fight? She ain't gettin one from me. She just doesn't know how many miles and trials in an office setting have already occurred for her to realize she ain't no big-ass fish to fry. I try to just sit back and watch her hang herself but sometimes have to do my "ohmmmmm" after certain dramatic episodes.
Luckily the other chicks in our office are wise to this amateurish/childish behavior. and yes, as usual, i do feel sorry for her more often than not. Some people just never get it.................
my next post will be on the ain't life grand side!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Darkness and Light

You know, each and every day is filled with see a little humor in a situation that some could say was "dark". I have been accused before of being somewhat cynical, which is okay. Maybe that is a way I have found to survive and thrive when life seems to be getting a little, shall we say, cumbersome?

Take for example, my CPTP class I attended recently. The only available seat "with a green booklet" was next to this man who upon approach, was a little red in the face. OH, the ironies of life when I realized after sitting down that he smelled like smoke. Then I knew the best was coming. Just about every 3-4 minutes he would bust out in a hellacious hairball cough. This is only funny if you know about the 3 years I spent in the same office with a hairball hacking smoking cougher! It could be a tragic situation, due to the mental agony visited upon my soul 8 hours a day during my "imprisonment" with the COPD poster child, but I chose to see it as a very funny irony in my own life. Besides, the man sitting next to me in the class was there only for one day and he was relatively pleasant besides the intermittent hacking. The instructor in this class reminded me of Dennis the Menace's father (boy am I dating myself here). He would accept questions, but every time would end up saying, "lets' talk about that offline". offline? WTF?! Maybe he spends a lot of time in chatrooms! Anyway, after a few times saying this, it became very comical to hear it. I kept wondering what my husband would have said about his hair-do.........

I did forget to mention that in this same class, lo and behold who did I see after many many years but my old buddy WHIT! She had been sitting in front of me all morning and never once did it occur to me that the back of that head was her. After the lunch break she saw me and whispered loudly my name. We shared a hug and talked a little. I had just finished telling my co-worker that was at the class with me about the time, years ago, when Whit had told me to step outside in the parking lot so she could "Beat my ass". See, she was very upset because at the time she did not like our mutual supervisor. She wanted me to not like her too, and of course that wasn't going to happen, so Whit was really pissed about that! Anyway, when she said she wanted me to go outside so she could beat me up, i told her no, that was very unladylike and that I did not fight people. Well, eventually we both left that department and she moved on to another, but different one like I did. In the interim, she became friends with my sister-in-law, a very very sweet person. So they were friends for all those years and I would hear about Whit from time to time. After our encounter at the class, she called my sister-in-law and told her she had seen me and how I had left before she could apologize to me for her behavior all those many years ago. Darkness and light! I did tell my sisterinlaw that Whit had definitely grown up and that I had told her that I always knew she would be destined for a good position with responsibility, which she is! I look forward to our next meeting...........

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I've been reading these blogs for over a year now, and it looks like a good way to just "vent it"! it doesn't matter if it makes sense, or who you are talking about. yes, there are times when you know that nobody particularly wants to hear your latest bitch session about WHATEVER, even though you steadily listen to theirs. I don't ever like to unload on my fellow human beings, as i believe my purpose in life is more of a listener.
Well, now i have started blogging, so as the day goes on i may find other things to write about. It is rather early in this lovely Tuesday morning, so I may be back....