Monday, October 23, 2006


In life, as in this tree, there could be things not visible on a cursory glance. What may appear one way on the surface of things, may go in a different direction upon close scrutiny.
The last few days have been enlightening in their own way as my self resolve, esteem and courage continue to grow, and at this time of my life, FOR ME! It has been such a long road, feeling like it was my duty to absorb other peoples rudeness, disrespect and downright meanness. There should not be the assumption here that I feel and have felt that way about ALL things, because there have been some amazingly kind, considerate, empathetic and wonderful people and events. I don't know how long a person must live before they understand how the negatives will always take over the positives in memory until you realize that is what is going on and make a conscious effort to change that!
It is depressing to think how many folks out there don't appreciate a cool breeze on their face or a beautiful view. When one hears a bird sing, or a lizard scuttling across the porch do you think that person ponders how wonderful it is that they can hear? When one can go out into the sunshine and not be afraid of dying from it, do you think they realize it and are grateful? Each and every day that I can put my feet on the floor (after waking up of course), is a truly remarkable day to me. Each day lived without immense and overwhelming pain is a truly wonderful day. We would never want people to experience the kind of things that boost your gratefulness of the simple but marvelous things that happen to us every day. We just want them to realize and know it without suffering that could bring it to the forefront.
Just think about the person who has lost their sight, hearing, sense of smell or taste. We all know these people are out there, suffering from something mysterious that has taken one or more of these senses away. I think about the people who are burned or have some other horrible affliction. What would they give to have a "normal" day like so many people have who just don't appreciate it?
The sky is so so so blue today and the air is nice and crisp. Energy is not in short supply for a change, so for right now and hopefully all day and week at least, everything will be peachy.
Be sure to magnify the picture if you have that capability and you too will get a clearer "picture" of how the most beautiful things can, upon a quick glance, be HIDDEN!
Have a wonderful absolutely MAHvelous day AND life! If you can read this and understand the message, LIFE IS GOOD!

1 comment:

Cindy N. said...

Those little owls are so beautiful! I want to hold one of them. I enjoyed reading what you wrote my friend. And you are so so right.