Thursday, October 12, 2006

Darkness and Light

You know, each and every day is filled with see a little humor in a situation that some could say was "dark". I have been accused before of being somewhat cynical, which is okay. Maybe that is a way I have found to survive and thrive when life seems to be getting a little, shall we say, cumbersome?

Take for example, my CPTP class I attended recently. The only available seat "with a green booklet" was next to this man who upon approach, was a little red in the face. OH, the ironies of life when I realized after sitting down that he smelled like smoke. Then I knew the best was coming. Just about every 3-4 minutes he would bust out in a hellacious hairball cough. This is only funny if you know about the 3 years I spent in the same office with a hairball hacking smoking cougher! It could be a tragic situation, due to the mental agony visited upon my soul 8 hours a day during my "imprisonment" with the COPD poster child, but I chose to see it as a very funny irony in my own life. Besides, the man sitting next to me in the class was there only for one day and he was relatively pleasant besides the intermittent hacking. The instructor in this class reminded me of Dennis the Menace's father (boy am I dating myself here). He would accept questions, but every time would end up saying, "lets' talk about that offline". offline? WTF?! Maybe he spends a lot of time in chatrooms! Anyway, after a few times saying this, it became very comical to hear it. I kept wondering what my husband would have said about his hair-do.........

I did forget to mention that in this same class, lo and behold who did I see after many many years but my old buddy WHIT! She had been sitting in front of me all morning and never once did it occur to me that the back of that head was her. After the lunch break she saw me and whispered loudly my name. We shared a hug and talked a little. I had just finished telling my co-worker that was at the class with me about the time, years ago, when Whit had told me to step outside in the parking lot so she could "Beat my ass". See, she was very upset because at the time she did not like our mutual supervisor. She wanted me to not like her too, and of course that wasn't going to happen, so Whit was really pissed about that! Anyway, when she said she wanted me to go outside so she could beat me up, i told her no, that was very unladylike and that I did not fight people. Well, eventually we both left that department and she moved on to another, but different one like I did. In the interim, she became friends with my sister-in-law, a very very sweet person. So they were friends for all those years and I would hear about Whit from time to time. After our encounter at the class, she called my sister-in-law and told her she had seen me and how I had left before she could apologize to me for her behavior all those many years ago. Darkness and light! I did tell my sisterinlaw that Whit had definitely grown up and that I had told her that I always knew she would be destined for a good position with responsibility, which she is! I look forward to our next meeting...........

1 comment:

Cindy N. said...

I too have seen Whit recently. She has matured.....need I say more?